Class Rules

Here is An Overview of Rules and Expectations for My Class

1) Cell Phone Club

Students are NOT allowed to be on their cell phones while in class. Phone are expected to be put away in bags during class time unless otherwise instructed by myself. Failure to follow this rule will result in one of two situations:

a) Administrative Referral
b) Cell Phone Club
Students will check in their phones in the "Cell Phone Club" bucket at the beginning of class and will get it back at the end of class from that day until the rest of the semester.

Students will have the choice of which option they prefer.

2) No Tolerance for Disrespect

In all of my classes, we will discuss topics they may be sensitive for some students. Themes such as racism, sexism, violence, etc. my provide an opportunity for conflict. My goal is not to change your opinion, but rather to expose you to many opinions so that you have examine issues from multiple perspectives while maintaining your own opinion and values. You must always express your ideas in a respectful manner that does not belittle or demean others. Examining issues as well as texts from multiple perspectives is an intrigue part of the standards for all English classes and are part of multiple standardized tests. 
